Friday, September 19, 2008

Welcome Back

Jack is back for his third year it is good to see him again
Owen is also back for his third year. Owen loves Abby she is Jacks sister
Adam is back for his second school year .He really has grown and can get around very fast.
Gabe is back and really has changed the most he will talk your arm off and is very helpful.
I am so glad to see all my kids back and doing well .It will be a fun year.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Things we do

"The Gang"

One of the kids gave Adam this tiger while I was laying Lola down.

This was their kitchen . They baked me cupcakes and pizza.Lucky me

Grant gave Adam this toy and he kept shaking it. He loved it . Thanks Grant

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Each day we do something special. Today they wanted to do puzzles. The kids just whip through the puzzle, they are very good at them.We have some team work, but they can do it all by themselves.






Grant's Birthday Party at Kim's house

Me and my Gang!
Grant,Anna, Abby,Bryce,Lola,Jack,Gabe,Owen,and Adam.

Mommy stopped by to see my party.

Daddy stopped by too. I love my pizza!

Happy Birthday Grant!

A dart board from Anna, Jack, and Abby. I love it.

Owen's Flag Birthday

It just wouldn't be Owens Birthday without Flags.

Jack, Bryce, and Owen having cookies together.

Owen with all his Flag presents.