Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Things we do

"The Gang"

One of the kids gave Adam this tiger while I was laying Lola down.

This was their kitchen . They baked me cupcakes and pizza.Lucky me

Grant gave Adam this toy and he kept shaking it. He loved it . Thanks Grant

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Each day we do something special. Today they wanted to do puzzles. The kids just whip through the puzzle, they are very good at them.We have some team work, but they can do it all by themselves.






Grant's Birthday Party at Kim's house

Me and my Gang!
Grant,Anna, Abby,Bryce,Lola,Jack,Gabe,Owen,and Adam.

Mommy stopped by to see my party.

Daddy stopped by too. I love my pizza!

Happy Birthday Grant!

A dart board from Anna, Jack, and Abby. I love it.

Owen's Flag Birthday

It just wouldn't be Owens Birthday without Flags.

Jack, Bryce, and Owen having cookies together.

Owen with all his Flag presents.

Look who turned 5

This was Feb. 2005 .Yes I am a Heartbreaker

Yes I'm still Cute!

I still haven't changed much . Just got a little older.

This was me today.You just have to turn sideways to see me. I am 5 now.

Owen is Three

The first time Dale seen Owen he fell asleep. Dale even lifted him in the air and still wouldn't wake up. Don't you wish he would do that now.

What a cute little smile

Do I have to smile?

Owen and his Buddies on his Third Birthday.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Play Time

The boys lined up the chairs to play

Lets play!

Adam's first day in the seat.
Lola said she will share with Adam.

Watch me grow.

I'm getting bigger.


Jack is THREE! He had a pirate party. He even had a black eye to go with the party. Happy Birthday.
Bryce reading my favorite book. Ask him and he will tell you what it is.

Jack reading Yankee Doodle. When we read this they start jumping up and down.

Owen reading .Where is Spot.

Gabe just likes to read them all.